Daily & Weekly - Healthy Beauty Habits

Hey guys welcome back to my blog, in today's video I'm collaborating with the Philips Sonicare 2 series and Listerine cool mint to share with you guys my healthy Beauty habits. Today I'm going to share with you guys my beauty routine, what I like to do everyday and what I like to do once a week. I find that these things are both healthy and they definitely take care of your outer appearance but they're good for you too, so the first few habits I'm going to discuss are the ones I try to do every day.

The first one we've heard in every magazine and you hear it all the time and that's to stay hydrated it's, so important but it's easier said than done and I have a really hard time, with it personally so what I do like to do is.  

I  like to do essence waters, but this isn't even easier way to do it by cutting up some citrus fruit. I have grapefruit and lemon here and you can just cut slices and freeze them, and place them in your water. I definitely prefer essence water whether it's sparkling essence water or regular essence water I drink way more water, that way so depending on your body weight, it will vary how much water you need to drink everyday, but try to drink water often is what?. 

I would recommend stay hydrated if I can get through 2 of  these which is 4 glasses, and each pitcher every day I feel really accomplished really hydrated helps keep my energy levels up, and drinking water is really important especially if you're exercising.

So I want to teach you guys, how to make a really easy do-it-yourself toothpaste. 

I use traditional toothpaste a lot but this is a really great option as well if you're looking for something a little bit, more natural it's half baking soda, half coconut oil and then a few drops of peppermint oil, very similar to those mouth melts, we made and you can use this. I put this in the refrigerator you can store it for for up to a few weeks.

So, for years and years I used a manual toothbrush, and then I started using the sonic hair 2 series toothbrush which cleans, so much more than a manual toothbrush I use that in combination with the Listerine cool mint. which helps keep my breath really fresh so when I use these two together I definitely feel more confident. Especially, when I'm interacting with people or I'm close to people, so yeah these are a must-have recently.

Healthy habits for great skin but I also really try to take care of the skin all over my body, and I have a few habits. I learned from my mother and my aunt to moisturize my body after every shower and sometimes. I forget to do this but they both have the most beautiful skin and I do try to make sure to use a natural moisturizer, because you are absorbing so much of the ingredients that are in these products. I'm definitely not natural in everything I do or all the time but when I'm putting a product on my body every single day,I do like to try to make sure it's natural so. 

I like the Weleda skin food  I do like to take vitamins. I know not everybody believes in vitamins, but I do take skin and hair vitamins, and this kind of covers the gamut of everything for skin and hair. I've been drinking chlorophyll water just a few drops of chlorophyll in my water since. I was a kid and it has some peppermint oil in there as well, I find it a little bit better tasting than water and it's very refreshing to me, it kind of reminds me of tea, like a mint iced tea but there are many said benefits to drinking chlorophyll such as controlling body odor and a bunch of different things.

I'm taking my vitamins with that so a habit that is not necessarily for external Beauty so much as it is for just feeling good and healthy is sitting out in the Sun every day for a few minutes, just getting that vitamin D in the fresh air. I also try to have fresh berries fruits nuts I'll put them in a to-go bag if I'm working or I'm going to be gone for the day, or for Oliver and I just like to have fresh fruit and antioxidants to reach for so choosing healthier snacks as far as weekly habits go there's a few things that I definitely like to try to do. 

I've always been a fan of exercise, I like to keep moving I have a gym membership, but I also really like to do at home workouts. my sister-in-law actually really inspired me, because she does kill her at home workouts she looks amazing and she does it on a budget.  she doesn't need a fancy gym and so that was really inspiring I got these leg weights, you can get them on Amazon and I do these leg lifts I do three sets of ten and then. 

I also do sit-ups and I try to do that every I would say, every few days, every other day, or so and I can do it you could do it however you want to do it around the house while you're watching something and then as far as beauty treatments go. I do try to not wash my hair every single day but sometimes my hair just gets gross feeling. so I really like to do a hair rinse if you're trying to avoid washing it every day, you can just take boiling water and add some fresh rosemary.

I took some rosemary from the garden you can let this kind of steep and then you can pour that over your hair for a rinse I also like to try instead of lattes or drinks like that. I just try to opt for green tea and drink as much green tea as possible 

I love the flavor and it's so good for you has so many benefits. I just try not to drink it too close to win, I go to sleep because it does contain caffeine, I also try to dry brush this is something, I've talked about a few times on my blog it's great for circulation, great for your skin. I love it you'll get this tingle all over your body, so do this before you shower or bathe a few times a week, maybe two or three times I also have other article. 

Where, I show you guys how to do it at home manicure pedicure, and also some of my hair treatments, and things that I like to do that completes my daily and weekly beauty habits huge thanks to the Philips Sonicare 2 series and Listerine cool mint for collaborating with me on this article and supporting my Blog.
