All right!!
So today I wanted to share with you something that I get asked a lot so hopefully, this is gonna answer some of your questions. This is all about how to deal with that loss of firmness and the gels that we get so this is part of the aging process. We all age differently but this is a common area and the neck that we kind of lose that firmness in that tone as we age our collagen and elastin fibers are again with us they're losing their spring, so the face hasn't bounced back like it used to we've obviously got that gravity as well and that's potential kind of the lymphatic drainage. So sometimes we can get a little bit puffy and a little bit just heavy in the bottom of the face as well. I don't know about you but you know if I'm looking down on a phone and I've got my camera on me excuse the doctor you know I can almost feel and see my face kind of hanging so these massages moves are there to help with exactly that to give us that natural list.
They are not a magic wand okay these are just aspects that you can add into your home care and maybe your treatments and things that you're doing at home, to help okay firstly I'm going to start by applying a very small amount of oil don't matter what all you use ideally plant-based not mineral-based and I'm going to apply to the lower part of the face and down the sides of the neck as with a lot of my massage tutorials and when I'm working with my own face and my clients in facials. Often start with the neck if you imagine if we remove the top layer underneath we've got all those muscles they are all connected you know the muscles aren't stopping here so particularly when we're focusing on this area we need to include the neck as well so I'm gonna release these off we've got a long sheet of muscle the platysma and the sternocleidomastoid. I think I've said that correctly so we're going to be working on those even actually round the back these all kind of the match in as well work on one side then the other and then just releasing it all off so that's kind of a little bit of an l-shape then I'm just pushing the back twist from the chin to my ears okay so jaw is often an area of tension and again because they were connected we're gonna start by releasing of the muscles underneath if you chew you'll be able to feel these muscles moved so being reasonably firm there I'm gonna pinch so I'm making a pinching action some a knuckle underneath and above and I'm gonna pinch pinch pinch pinch and repeat that the amount of times you repeat is going to depend on the size of your face and your hands so for me it's roughly four or five pinches across the job.
So, we're gonna push up I'm using two fingers might be knees too you might find it easier with different ones but pushing up from here and we're gonna smile slightly as we push up so so push up and hold and continue that all the way out and you're kind of hooking up underneath. That cheekbones and holding that negative tissue we're gonna repeat it is quite deep you know we are working with some quite strong muscles here particularly that your muscle and then we're going to switch I can't speak and push at the same time I can I've amazed myself we're going to switch to knuckles so again we're pushing up with those knuckles and we're gonna hold underneath.
The cheekbone and rock so you'll be able to feel that muscle being eased underneath. The cheekbone so pushes up and rock it's just a gentle rock it's not a big movement, but you'll definitely feel the difference so pushing up and rocking and then pushing up the whole face and he's kind of you to're just holding slightly with the pants of your hands. So, getting nice and close to the sides of the mouth and then moving it out to the sides then we're going to move to one side of the face so with this is we're working now on the connective tissue and it might look a little bit odd so the thumb is on your jaw and your fingers we're kind of making maybe a little heart shape but just like that and your thumb is pushing up and there's a hole that.
I'm gonna say pinched but it's a firm hold not a pinch outwards so and I'm holding each move of five to eight seconds and then, coming back in you're kind of hooking because we really want to be working on this area. so it's a slight diagonal movement with that hold and then you're up and further out and then we're gonna push up and again we're hooking and there's just a little bit of a halt you can feel a bit of tension and then alternate push. I find whenever I work particularly on one area so obviously the lower part of the face you just got a real heat from that extra blood flow that's happening as well but we're very much working on the underlying muscle the connective tissues and then we're gonna support the chin and with our knuckle move, we're gonna push and hold. so you can see my the hand at the side push and hold then we're going to repeat all of those to the other side of the face so again we're going back to our connective tissue thumb on the jaw and push it up a gentle pinch push up and again and then slightly outwards just be cautious that you're not pulling down on the eye are that's not what we want to be doing pushing it up hold and then using our hand and heel of hand to lift I like using the alternate hands. Because I find there's a different area I find this hand the pressure is a lot more into that jaw and this one it just comes a little bit closer into the side of the nose. So that's why I'm not just kind of using one hand continuously and then again from holding the chin and knuckle pushing out out out thumbs underneath so this paddy bit underneath here this is an area that starts going on so many of us we're gonna push into that and then you are going to see this action. But I'm going to flatten my tongue to the roof of my the mouth you will be able to feel this the muscle under here tighten so I'm going to do the action pushing up you feel all of this tighten so then this is pushing against you firming that muscle.
So I'm gonna do that a few times it's probably not very exciting, cause you can't see what's going on inside my rails and then gliding out it's nice to do some lifting moves again. This really gets the blood flowing you can do this not too fast or you can do them a lot faster you can go with fingers body your fingers or you can go finger tips for a slightly lighter move and then it's really nice just to do a still hold to hold everything up see you might. just do one side of the face hold it for anything from eight to ten seconds and then the other and I'd always do that middle hold not quite so attractive. But it feels very good and then just calm everything back down and definitely finish back down on a neck area so that is a massage for that the lower part of the face like I said you can use any plant base oil whatever your skin prefers.
if you've got a rosacea skin it's not necessarily gonna be for you if you've got active acne and acne and braincase they can very much be on that lower part of the face again this mossad routine. it's not for you however for those that are feeling that loss of firmness me particularly this is an area that, I find you know it bugs me you could do this maybe once a week dependent on your skin type you might want to add it into your evening routine maybe I find the evening is probably the best time to do this type of thing because it is quite deep it does get that blood flow going but then you know you could maybe remove the oil with a warm cloth put your night serums on and then stripped a bit. I hope you have found that helpful please do ask me any questions below
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