Get a Ulcets? Don't Worry and Eat 11 Ingredient

Get a Ulcets? Don't Worry and Eat 11 Ingredient

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Don't Worry and Eat 11 Ingredient

Keeping your stomach healthy is the best way to prevent stomach ulcers. Fresh fruits are an important part of our diet. They come with a world of benefits.  I’m talking about vitamins and antioxidants. If you want to prevent stomach ulcers, making fruits a part of your diet would be a step in the right direction. But remember, moderation is key. Fruits have sugar, so you need to be careful about the amount you eat. Keep in mind that not all fruits were created equal. Eat more apples and pomegranate, as they are good for your stomach. 

Make sure you eat apples with their skin. That’s where most of the fiber is. Grapes and berries are great too. You can make frozen popsicles with them if you are bored with having them on their own. And of course, strawberries and cherries should be included in the list.

You can even make a fruit salad with blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. Drizzle a bit of honey to make it even more delicious. Eat fresh fruits regularly to keep your gut health at the top of its game. But just know that some citrus fruits and juices may cause vomiting and discomfort. This is due to acid reflux. It’s just better to avoid them. 

Do you love eating fruits? 
Which one is your favorite? Sound off in the comment section and start a conversation with our Bestie community. 

Don't Worry and Eat 11 Ingredient

Vegetables are a blessing when it comes to health. Leafy greens, especially red and orange vegetables,
are known to have special properties that protect your stomach. Most of the veggies are alkaline in nature. Eating them would help control the stomach acid, which is the main reason why you have peptic ulcers.

So which veggies should you eat?

The first one I would highly recommend is cucumber. Being cool as cucumber certainly has a fair
amount of truth to it. You’ll be surprised to know how wonderfully effective it is in curbing excessive acid production in your stomach. In fact, researchers found sea cucumber can suppress gastric lesions and ulcers in their experiments.

Experts recommend eating cucumber with their skin on. Its juice is also recommended for relief from
hyper-acidity and gastric ulcers. Next in line are the leafy greens like kale, spinach and cauliflower.

They contain calcium and vitamin B, both of which work great on your stomach acid. They are loaded with antioxidants, boosting your immunity and protecting you from stomach infections. And of course, broccoli couldn’t be left behind.

This healthy veggie contains a compound that prevents excessive acid production. Impressive, isn’t it?
You can eat these veggies on their own in the form of salad. You can also steam them.  Grilling or sauteing with olive oil would be great as well.

Olive oil has fatty acids and it is believed to help stop your stomach from making too much acid. You know my favorite method of eating veggies?

I make soup from them!

Broccoli soup is especially delicious and you can top it with a hint of extra virgin olive oil.  It’s true that including a bowl of boiled veggies can be a great idea to help your stomach function for a long time.

But do put a limit on eating too much salad or raw vegetables, as they may be hard to digest when your stomach is already in trouble.

Better avoid spicy peppers and tomatoes. They can generate reflux issues. Lentils and lean proteins Research states that the wellbeing of your body and mind both depend on your gut health. 

But why?

Your stomach houses several microbes that affect your health. They keep your body and brain unctioning as they should. If there’s any change to it, you may suffer from a lot of health issues.

One of the key resources for a healthy stomach is fiber and protein. You need a good amount to repair your stomach’s damaged tissues. In fact, experts recommend eating protein to provide essential amino acids for tissue protein synthesis. This promotes healing. And which food item has both- a good amount
of protein AND fiber? Lentils! Fiber feeds the good bacteria of your gut. The microbes present in your gut get energy, nutrients, and vitamins from it to protect your stomach against ulcers, infections and
what not!

Lentil soup is one of the best ways to sneak them into your daily diet. It is easy to digest as well. You can add a pinch of turmeric, which reduces inflammation and holds healing properties. Legumes Most ulcers are caused by bacterial infections. A healthy and balanced meal is your best bet to keep ulcers at bay. Good nutrition is important for a healthy gut. Your food should include natural sources of soluble fiber in each meal. Research shows that people, who eat a high amount of soluble fibers are at a lesser risk of developing Ulcers.

Legumes provide an ample amount of soluble fiber and are a good source of energy as well. Fish and Seafood Who would have thought fish fillet had so many benefits? You need protein in your diet and fish provides plenty of it.

Oily fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines contain a good amount of omega 3 fatty acids. They help to reduce the risk of ulcers by producing certain types of compounds. These compounds help to protect the lining of the stomach and intestines. Also, omega oil contains certain compounds that may be helpful in preventing ulcers.

So even if you aren’t consuming them, a fish oil supplement will help you to fight with ulcers. Before we move ahead, here is a video you might like.

Watch and learn more about the early signs of pancreatic cancer. 

Don't Worry and Eat 11 Ingredient

Eggs are rich in protein. Including them in your daily diet is great for you. Eggs are among the most commonly consumed foods on the planet. A single egg contains 13 grams of high-quality  protein.

More than half of it is found in egg-white. Apart from that, eggs are also known to have vitamins and minerals. Ideally, it would be better to consume eggs cooked without any spice. Scrambled eggs are a good example. 

But it is important to make sure you aren’t allergic to eggs before eating them. Whole Soy Food and plant-based milk Soy-based products are slowly getting more popular.

Cow’s milk is not exactly considered ulcer-friendly. In fact, it encourages acid production and
can cause discomfort to your stomach. But what if you love your tea and coffee with milk?

You can opt for the plant-based kind like soy and rice milk. Researchers conducted a study to see the effect of Soy-based foods on people with ulcers. The group that consumed soy-based products
showed visible improvement within just two weeks.

Fermented Dairy foods Fermented Dairy Foods are all the rage these days. Never thought your daily frozen yogurt dessert would get this popular. Well it's a great probiotic and is easily available at a low cost.

But what are probiotics? 

They are live bacteria or yeast with a lot of health benefits.  You can either consume them as a supplement, drink them or eat them.  Probiotics increase the level of good bacteria in your stomach, providing support for our immune system. Healthy fats like Avocado, olive oil, and nuts A healthy stomach helps you combat infections and illnesses.

We all are guilty of eating junk food, which has the opposite effect. Want a healthy gut?  Eat a variety of foods from all food groups.  A healthy meal plan is one that does not contain unhealthy fats, sugar or added salt. Healthy fats include olive oil, nuts and avocados. They maintain your stomach lining and prevent excessive acid production.

Green Tea
Don't Worry and Eat 11 Ingredient

For many, green tea might seem to be the latest ‘in thing’, but it is more than just a fad. It has been used for its medicinal properties for years. Green tea is a known remedy for many stomach issues. It is nothing but an infusion of unfermented leaves from a certain plant species. Studies show that it can protect your stomach from harmful ulcers. 

Herbs and Spices

Your diet is the most powerful tool when it comes to your health. Antioxidants are a valuable addition to a gut-healthy diet.


They protect the outer lining of your stomach and help the growth of good bacteria. This is an important job as any problem in the outer lining leads to several diseases and inflammatory conditions. Most  herbs and spices are concentrated sources of antioxidants. Turmeric, ginger, garlic and cinnamon are
known to have antimicrobial properties that protect your stomach against ulcers.

You can switch to honey instead of sugar or artificial sweetener. 

Do you have stomach ulcers?

Do you plan on including any of these foods in your daily diet?

Let us know in the comments below.
